Norway's Biggest Bank Demands Cash Ban | Zero Hedge
Needless to say that if we are unable to escape the liquidity trap of zero interest rates, our banks will demand a cash ban as well. This is a serious threat to freedom, and is simply robbery by the banks, as cash gives choice as to whether you will use a bank or put your money under the mattress. From the site:
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Needless to say that if we are unable to escape the liquidity trap of zero interest rates, our banks will demand a cash ban as well. This is a serious threat to freedom, and is simply robbery by the banks, as cash gives choice as to whether you will use a bank or put your money under the mattress. From the site:
This is something every citizen of every country should think of long and hard.
1. Every financial transaction can be taxed.
2. Every financial transaction can be charged a fee.
3. Bank runs are eliminated.
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