Saturday, January 23, 2016

Norway's Biggest Bank Demands Cash Ban | Zero Hedge

Norway's Biggest Bank Demands Cash Ban | Zero Hedge

Needless to say that if we are unable to escape the liquidity trap of zero interest rates, our banks will demand a cash ban as well. This is a serious threat to freedom, and is simply robbery by the banks, as cash gives choice as to whether you will use a bank or put your money under the mattress. From the site:

1. Every financial transaction can be taxed.

2. Every financial transaction can be charged a fee.

3. Bank runs are eliminated.
This is something every citizen of every country should think of long and hard. 

Like the Pay Cash Only Movement page:

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Global War on Cash by Kevin Dowd

There is a global war on cash. Kevin Dowd has clearly set out the moral and economic dangers to our economy, households and even privacy if cash is abolished.

This is a must read article by Kevin. Support the Pay Cash Only movement by liking the page and by using cash once in awhile for payments for items in the store.

Do not be deceived, readers, a cashless society is totalitarian in nature, perhaps the first step towards massive totalitarian impositions on the public.

Like the Pay Cash Only Movement page: