Thursday, November 24, 2016

War On Cash Just Got Real – India And Citibank In Australia

Note that slope of the graph toward negative rates in the world can cause them to go negative. The result could mean that you will have no cash available at all and your money will be either in the bank or spent on something. If you want to save you will have to put your money into something other than the bank. The bank will have control over your money if you do not spend it.

The full article is on Talkmarkets. This article explores the study of India's elimination of large bills. Smaller bills were eliminated but are expected to be replaced with the same denomination in larger sized bills. Here are just some of the troubling issues from the article above.

Since the Citi announcement UBS has proposed that eliminating $100 and $50 bills would be “good for the [Australian] economy and good for the banks.” The notes account for 92% of the circulating cash value.
UBS analyst Jonathan Mott said last week that there are three times as many Australian $100 notes in circulation as there are $5 notes. Echoing the moves of the Indian government he argued that the elimination of large denomination notes would be “good for the economy and good for the banks.”


Whatever the reason to go without cash, the end-result is still the same, if you, your bank or your government decides to go cashless then will you join the list of unsecured creditors should the bank fail.

The government wants to track your every move. It can control what you buy and what you aren't allowed to buy. People need to use cash or lack of demand will cause banks to go cashless and you will find yourselves without the outlets to get cash!

Wake up, Americans. It is your freedom at stake.

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